英语笔记23:Please Note That


  • *Please note that the presentation is in D202 and not D218.*

Please note that,请注意,to ask people politely to pay attention to something

  • Please note that there are a limited number of tickets 请注意,票的数量有限;
  • Please note that the movie starts at 7 o’clock 请注意,电影7点开始;
  • Visitors please note that the safekeeping of personal valuables, take good care of portable objects 游客们,请注意妥善保管个人的贵重物品,照顾好随身物件;
  • 本文作者:括囊无誉
  • 本文链接: English Notes/英语笔记23/
  • 版权声明: 本博客所有文章均为原创作品,转载请注明出处!
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